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Notification of ALiCE Lesson 9/27/24

September 27, 2024

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Today your child’s teacher read the book, I’m Not Scared… I’m Prepared! Because I Know All About ALiCE by Julia Cook. MTSD teachers and staff all have training and practice on what to do in the unlikely event of an intruder in our schools. The district utilizes the ALiCE training model. ALiCE stands for alert, lockdown, inform, counter, and evacuate. 

“The purpose of this book is to enhance the concepts taught by the ALiCE training institute and make them applicable to children of all ages in a non-fearful way. By using this book, children can develop a better understanding of what needs to be done if they ever encounter a ‘dangerous someone.’ Unfortunately in the world we now live in, we all must ask ourselves the essential question: What options do I have for survival, if I ever find myself in a violent intruder event?” (Cook, 2014) 

Your child’s teacher read the book with the class. The book tells the story of the ‘Ant Hill School.’  The ants (students) in the school learn about a new drill from their teacher. It is called, “The Sheep, The Shepherd and the Wolf Drill.”  The characters in the drill are:

  • Wolf - Someone who is dangerous and not allowed in the school building

  • Shepherd - Teacher or adult to be trusted and listened to 

  • Sheep - Students who always follow the trusted adult’s directions regardless of how they feel

Teachers reviewed the following concepts with students:

  • A stands for ALERT

  • L says we need to LOCKDOWN

  • I says INFORM. ‘Cause we must tell others if the wolf is around.

  • C stands for COUNTER.  If the wolf sees us, we must do things to ruin his day.

  • E stands for EVACUATE, which means to leave the building right away!

Your child’s teacher will use this book throughout the school year to help children better understand each concept in ALiCE in a non-threatening and age appropriate manner. Some resources for parents are listed below if you would like to learn more about how to talk with your child regarding safety at school or any public place. 

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact your child’s teacher or me


Taylor Good

Neff Principal

Family Resources - Click on the links below


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