Neff Elementary PTO -- Quarterly Meeting
Tuesday, April 9, 2024 6:30pm
“I want to call the meeting to order, time is 6:33_”
Welcome & Introduction:
Principal: Travis Bash
PTO Board: Rachel Levine, Whitney Tsakonas (absent), Katie Warner, Lori DeTemple, Kelsey Danz (absent)
JoAnn Hentz (MTSD Board), Ruth Wagner, Steph Gerber
Approval of minutes from last meeting—February 13, 2024
Minutes Approved
copy available for review on the website
Principal Report: Travis Bash
End of Marking Period Assembly
PSSA prep has begun, spirit week scheduled
Field Trips scheduled for each grade
4th Grade vs. Teachers Kickball game to take place June 4
School Board Report: JoAnn Hentz
Working on finalizing the budget
Changes in Staffing for next school year
Changes in Special Education Staffing
Changes to STEM programming
New special being added for STEM
Increase use and staffing for STEM labs
STEM curriculum to align with the STEELS standards
Treasurer Report: Lori DeTemple
Reviewed the Profit & Loss for the year:
Teacher appreciation: $780 has been budgeted for this expense
Hoping to create committee to manage this event
Request donations from families and local businesses to alleviate expenses
SLAC (Superintendent’s Lay Advisory Council) Report: Kisha Johnson, Rachel Levine, Lori DeTemple
Rachel Reports:
Summer Feeding program to be held at Nitrauer Elem as well as Bucher Elem.
District will begin to recognize high holidays when scheduling
May 4: The 175th anniversary event at Barnstormers game details: PTO members can be there to set up a table as early as 3:30PM. The township celebration starts at 4:30pm, and students and staff will get a voucher to get in free. Other family members will be $12. The regular gate for the game starts at 5:30pm and PTOs can clean up and enjoy the pregame festivities at this point. The game itself starts at 6:45pm, and there will be fireworks at the end.
PTO Update: Rachel Levine
Passive Fundraising
Yearbook- Hannah
have sold about 100 to date
still selling yearbooks
possibly do in-person sale at Roller Skating event
Restaurant Nights: Sara
Mick’s $50
MOD Pizza - $118
Primanti Brothers
BJ’s Brewhouse
Past Events
Dinner and a movie:
$800 Profit
Didn’t upcharge PTO for using second theater
Roller Skating- Good participation
Made approximately $300
BOTH events were highly successful and well attended. Hope to repeat these events in future years.
Upcoming Events
Teacher Appreciation Week -Steph Gerber volunteered to Chair
Budget: $780
Looking for ideas:
at least one meal,
mocktail bar
gift from students
send emails to parents with opportunities to participate and celebrate teachers.
Spring Fest Update
NEEDED: Additional Co-chairs
Kona Ice is lined up
PTO will sell concessions: Hot dogs, Caruso’s Pizza, juice, water and chips
Business donation requests have been sent out
Two bounce houses with staff
Balloon Twisters have been booked
NEED: Volunteers for Face Painting
recruit HS art students
Recruit volunteers from HS clubs including Key Club and Future Teachers
27 companies have made donations for the Give & Get
3 companies making their own baskets
Basket Assembly will take place on May 1 from 2pm to 6pm
Volunteer Update
NEED: Spring fest 5/10/24 volunteers- adults and students
Field day 5/20-21
Mr. Bransby has made a request for volunteers
possibly ask HS students, universities, sports teams
need clearances
Board Member status for 2024-25
Vote held and approved incoming Board members for the 2024/25 SY
President: Rachel Levine
Vice President: Whitney Tsakonas
Secretary: Katie Warner
Treasurer: Lori DeTemple
Steph Gerber
Social Media: Kelsey Danz
Erin Checchia
Website Manager/Directory
Ruth Wagner
Restaurant Nights: Sara Bowers
Next Meeting: NEXT FALL - Sept. 9, 2024
Adjournment—I move that we adjourn the meeting at 7:10pm