Neff Elementary PTO-Quarterly Meeting
Tuesday, November 12, 2024 6:30pm in person
“I want to call the meeting to order, time is 6:35pm”
Welcome & Introductions of everyone who attended
PTO Board: Rachel Levine, Whitney Tsakonas, Lori DeTemple, Steph Gerber, Ruth Wagner, Erin Checcia, Katie Warner, Kelsey Danz
Approval of minutes from last meeting—September 10, 2024
Principal Report: Taylor Good
Good’s Gazette-how can we get everyone to fully scroll through this communication
Want to share student of the month on our social media platform
Veterans Day assembly happening on Monday for Veterans Day
Light show looking at having around the 3rd marking period
North Star Meeting on Friday-How can we continue to create and all inclusive environment.
Treasurer Report-Lori DeTemple
Budget review
We need to look at our fundraising efforts. With the increase costs occuring, we need to have a more active approach with fundraising every year vs every other year. We cannot afford to continue to do things if we do not raise more money.
Corporate sponsors are truly needed inorder for us to continue to do the things we like and want to do.
Increase ticket sales to events? Fees for field trips? Decrease high ticket items at spring fest for the give and get event?
SLAC Report-Rachel Levine
Dr. Felty is leaving and the search for a new superintendent is underway. Will have a candidate for the position by March.
PTO Update: Rachel Levine
Passive Fundraiser
Yearbook-Presale began last week
Additional volunteers needed to take pictures at events and gather pictures from classroom teachers
Restrauant Nights
MOD Pizza $193
BJ’s and Honeygrow coming up
$879 came in from the fall sale
Upcoming events
Food Drive
Pottery Night
Family Fun Night at Go N Bananas 1/13
Talent Show
Change of date for Roller Skating. It will be 4/12 from 9:30-11:30am
Next Meeting: January 14, 2025
Adjournment-I move that we adjourn the meeting at 8:10pm